Friday, February 27, 2009


I pulled this sticker randomly from the collection and realized I have no information about it in my records. A quick Google search shows that it may be from Puyallup, Washington but I don't have time to confirm it yet.
UPDATE:  See comments.  Thanks Dan!


  1. I can confirm it for you Greg. KUPY was one of the many sets of calls that once belonged to
    existing Korean language station KSUH 1450 in Puyallup, WA (site of the annual Washington State Fair.....pronounced pew-a-lup).

    Their biggest claim to fame goes back to the late 1950's (as KAYE) when up and coming musician Buck Owens was a DJ at the station.

    If memory serves me correctly I believe they were KUPY in the late 70's-early 80's.

  2. I was a 'combo-operator' at KAYE in 1954 when it was owned by Henry Perozzo. It started out with religious programs paid for by local evangelists along with country music. Then Elvis came in style and I left.

    If you want to know more, use the mailbox at

    Best wishes,

    Roger Wiesenbach
