Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A friend in Chicago recently posted this picture on Facebook.  It's part of Chicago Public Media's "2032 Membership Drive," a looong-term effort to boost the number of listeners one generation from now.  Other slogans in this unusual campaign include:
Do it. For Chicago.
You’re an interesting person. Pass it on. Like, literally. Through your DNA.
We want listeners tomorrow. Go make babies today.
To anyone NOT currently running a virtual farm:

91.5 FM WBEZ is a public radio station in Chicago, Illinois.  They broadcast the usual fare of National Public Radio and Public Radio International programming and also produce This American Life and Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!, two of NPR's most popular shows.

Here's a station employee reminiscing about a vintage WBEZ logo.

UPDATE:  We spent Labor Day weekend of 2018 in Chicago and ran across WBEZ's studios while playing tourist at Navy Pier.  They were closed but I did manage to get their logos photographed.  Studio tours are apparently available by request.

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