Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hot FM

A bit of a mystery sticker here from Germany's Hot FM.  A Google search for "Mein Radio lebt!" brought up the website address which now redirects to "Radio Galaxy".  The three letter abbreviations seem to match some cities in Bavaria's Upper Franconia region.


Does anyone know anything else about this station?

UPDATE:  See comments.


  1. Well...I do! ;-)
    My name is Kai and I am a local resident in the town of Hof, where "HO*T FM" was located.
    It was a station, which played mostly Alternative and was quite different compared to other stations. It went On Air an Oct 5 1996 and was replaced by Radio Galaxy (which is still On Air) in Autumn 2002. The reason for that was a lack of commercial bookings, which forced the shareholders to dismiss the station. Anyway it was very popular for the youth in Upper Frankconia and is still missed by lots of them (which have grown older of course...but good thing are remembered!).
    The abbreviations though have nothing to do with the local cities. It was just to have a concise name for an extraordinary radio station - and there it went very well... ;-)
    I hope, this was some useful information.

    Greetings form Hof in Upper Franconia!
