Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Italian Alfas

Three unrelated Alfa stations from Italy.

Radio Alfa 95.0/91.8 FM broadcasts from Canavese in northern Italy.  They are now heard at 90.1 and 94.2 FM.

97.7 FM Alfa Radio Music broadcast from Bisceglie, a city on the Adriatic Sea in southern Italy.

103.3 FM Alfa Radio Stereo transmitted from the northern Italian city of Inzago, near Milan.


  1. Alfa radio music fm 97.7 e 87.7 da Bisceglie.
    Ha diffuso musica per 25 anni.
    Nata agli albori delle radio libere. È stata tra le più seguite in un bacino di oltre 200.000 abitanti. Le sempre più incalzanti spese in un mercato pubblicitario deficitario ne hanno decretato lento declino fino alla compianta chiusura.

  2. Translation:
    Alfa radio music fm 97.7 and 87.7 from Bisceglie.
    He has been playing music for 25 years.
    Born at the dawn of free radio. It was among the most popular in a basin of over 200,000 inhabitants. The increasingly pressing expenses in a deficit advertising market have decreed a slow decline until the lamented closure.
