Monday, December 24, 2018


It's tough to categorize Buffalo, New York's legendary 107.7 WUWU.  In their years of existence they flirted with various formats including Progressive Rock, AOR, Alternative and even Jazz.  Some might have called them a format-free, stream of consciousness mess of a station and they may be right.  When I was listening to them circa 1982/83 they were playing a lot of alternative/new wave songs mixed with "regular" rock in an attempt to build an audience.  The set of music in the short aircheck below had them playing Billy Joel, The Clash, Led Zeppelin, Duran Duran and Scorpions.  By 1986 "The Sound Future" was gone, replaced by Classic Rock outlet WBYR "The Bear."  WUWU was licensed to Wethersfield, NY.

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