Showing posts with label wsos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wsos. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Coast Guard Day

The United States Revenue Cutter Service was founded on this date by Alexander Hamilton in 1790. Their job as an armed branch of the Treasury Department was to enforce import tariffs and all other maritime laws. In 1915 the Revenue Cutter Service merged with the United States Life-Saving Service to form the United States Coast Guard. The modern Coast Guard is probably best known for their search and rescue operations.

SOS is the description of a specific Morse code distress signal. It consists of three dots-three dashes-three dots (· · · — — — · · ·)
In International Morse Code three dots form the letter S while three dashes make an O. SOS later became known as "save our ship."

WSOS is a Soft Adult Contemporary station from St. Augustine, Florida and licensed to Fruit Cove FL. Sadly, they are no longer known as "The Muuuuuusic Station" but instead go by the less original but more Florida-appropriate "Sunny 94.1"

A slightly different WSOS sticker without the life saver ring: