These days the AM dial is almost exclusively News/Talk or Sports radio. There are exceptions of course, but to hear a current music-based AM station is almost a novelty at this point. Even though KRSR 1140 AM The Krusher ceased to exist some 20 years ago, it still seems crazy that not only did they play music but they played Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music. KRSR was on the air during the glory years of hair bands (1985-1989) and licensed to North Las Vegas, Nevada.
F'kn Ay!!!!...Used to listen to The KRUSHER in my dads 4runner IN the garage in the evenings. IN Los Angeles!!! when I was in my teens. All the way from N. Las Vegas. Don't know how or what the correct combo was that made it work. But IN the garage was the only way. Imagine my delight when messing around on the dial one day found me listening to the likes of LADY EVIL, 22 ACACIA AVE, LONE JUSTICE etc...On A.M.!!! no less. These are the days during the Late Great KMET 94.7 F.M. and before the Late Great KNAC 105.5 F.M....KRSR was HOT!!! on KMET's heels if not rockin harder than they were. There was something really special I can still feel about sitting in the garage with my girlfriend and friends listening to what seemed impossible being it was from so far away. And the only place ANY of us could get it....From N. Las VEGAS KRSR 1140 A.M. The KRUSHER to my parents old house garage in Los Angeles where I grew up. It was MAGIC and GREAT TIMES!!!!...Ran across this website by accident. Saw KRSR and was instantly transported to some great memories...Thanks!!!!
Glad I could bring back some good memories for ya!
cant believe its been 30 years ago this since I came across this channel by accident. I was living in the inland empire and 11 years old at the time and it was at night, it faded In and out at times due to it was coming from North Las Vegas and like 245 miles away but was only able to get this channel at night. Brings back memories and I wish this channel was still around.
I wish they were still there...Listened religiously at night from California
I used to live in Vegas and LOVED that station! Their signature logo voice had an android type voice saying KRSR and a deep voice afterwards saying, "The Krusher". They were on top of all of the latest bands but also played a great mix of newer and older metal. It would be great to find their airwave archives somewhere just to relive those carefree days.
Fondly recalling thinking in 1989 "WTH is that?!" and hearing KRSR playing Satriani's Love Song. Wanted some Metallica? Good luck elsewhere on the dial
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