The team that I love makes me want to puke. I watched the "highlights" of Buffalo vs. Cleveland on the internet and I'm not sure I've seen a worse Bills team since the 2-14 disasters of the mid 1980s. The Browns threw for 23 yards and an interception....and won! Injuries claimed two more players for the season. Our fraud of an offense scored one measly field goal against the 32nd rank defense. The Bills have lost two games in a row to teams who were previously winless. Buffalo hasn't made the playoffs since 1999. I could go on but it makes my stomach hurt and my blood pressure rise. I feel bad for my son who just this season is starting to "get" the game and asks "Why can't the Bills do that?" whenever he sees other teams execute well. I have cursed him to a life of professional football heartbreak and I feel terrible about it. For better of for worse we're still planning on making the 6 hour trek to Buffalo in late November for a game against the Dolphins. By then I expect a new coach and an awful lot of paper bags on the heads of fans who deserve better. I know you know this Ralph Wilson, you 90 year old coot. Fire the entire staff and, for once, pay a coach who knows how to win...there's plenty of them out there.

550 AM WGR is a Sports station licensed to
Loserville Buffalo, New York.
Sorry to hear about that. While I am not a Bills fan, I'm not a Browns fan either. I was really hoping that the Browns would go 0-16 this year. What an amazing display of ineptitude on both sides huh? What kind of NFL quarterback completes 2 passes for a total of 20-something yards...for the whole game???
Do their fans deserve better? Their fans make the Eagle fans seem like gentlemen.
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