Showing posts with label ukiah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ukiah. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Last August I wrote about a fool who spent a bunch of money on bus ads proclaiming the end of the world as May 21, 2011. Well folks, this is it! Nice knowin' ya.

Licensed to Ukiah, California, KPRA is one of about 160 stations and translators in the Family Radio Christian Network based in Oakland. Family Radio was founded in 1959 by Harold Camping who also predicted that the world would end back in 1994.

UPDATE: After being "mystified" and "bewildered" that his prediction didn't come true, Camping now says that today's Judgment Day was spiritual not physical. The actual end of the world will now be October 21st.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


KMEC is a 75-watt low-power FM station licensed to Ukiah, California. It's part of the Mendocino Environmental Center which "works through educational outreach, nonviolent direct action and the legal system to uphold and promote environmental and social justice in Mendocino County and beyond." This odd sticker looks like something out of a children's coloring book and almost begs to be filled in with a few magic markers.